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KOREA An Annotated Bibliography of Publications in Far Eastern Languages

Paperback.167 pages. Bibliography of 528 materials on Korea published in Far Eastern Languages before September,1950. Contents: Introduction/Bibliographies/General/Handbook/ Guidebooks/and Yearbooks/Description and Travel/Geology and Natural History/ History General (Including history before annexation by Japan 1910) Japanese Administration(1910-1945) INDEPENDENT MOVEMENT(1910-1945) Bibliography Politics and Government(1945-1950) Agust 1945-August 1948(From the Surrender of Japan to the Establishment of Republic of Korea) Agust 1948-June 1950(From the Eastablishment of Republic of Korea to the Outbreak of Korean War) Economic Conditions/Social Conditions/ Language and Literature/Art and ARchaeology/ Periodicals Maps and Charts Index

  AuthorThe Library of Congress Reference Department
  PublisherThe Library of Congress

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