Home >> Search Results >> Catholicism >> Fleur de Vendee Pierre-Henri Doriee de la Societe des Missions Etrageres mort pour la Foi a Seoul(Coree) ,le 8 mars 1866
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Fleur de Vendee Pierre-Henri Doriee de la Societe des Missions Etrageres mort pour la Foi a Seoul(Coree) ,le 8 mars 1866

hard cover,8 vo. 359 pages. A study on Mgr. Pierre-Henri Dorie martyred in Korea 8 March,1866 for the faith.It is the story of the life of a vicar of the roman catholic church who lived in Korea and died there in 1866. The book also report his letters in which he was talking about what he could observe there : religiously wise but also way of life, customs etc...

  PublisherLucon-Impremerie S.Pacteau,France

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