Home >> Search Results >> Archaeology >> Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko(The Oriental Libray) No.5
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Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko(The Oriental Libray) No.5

paperback,172 pages. An academic research of The Oriental Libray in Tokyo. Tables of Contents: 1)Kurakichi Shiratori: On the territoty of the Hsiung-nu Prince Hsiu-t'u and His Metal Status for Heaven-Worship(from page 1 to page 96) 2) Hiroshi Ikeuchi: A Study on Lo-lang and tai-fang ,Ancient Chinese Prefecture in Korean Peninsula(from page 79 to page 97) 3)Hiroshi Ikeuchi: A Study of the Su-shen(from page 97 to page 164) 4)Ryuzo Torii: Les Dolmens de Chan-toung(Chine) (from page 165 to page 169)

  AuthorThe Toyo Bunko,Tokyo
  PublisherSanshusha Press,Tokyo

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