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The New Korea

hard cover,354 pages. A political and economy survey of Korea .Favorable to Japanese admistration. (Annotation is based on KOREA,Library of Congress,1950) Covering Korea's position in Far Eastern affairs, annexation by Japan, self-rule and dependent rule contrasted, historical commentaries on the country. Relations between Japan and Korea, Govenor General Saito, new spirit, material progress. Laws & courts of Korea, police & prison, government finance, education, medical, sanitary & social service, economic dev-elopment, commerce, banking, manufactures etc ...useful study.9 Appendices: Treaty of Annexation, Imperial Rescript on Annexation, The Late Korean Emperor's Rescript on Cession of Sovereignty. Imperial Rescript Concerning the Reorganizat-ion of the Government-General of Chosen.

  AuthorAlleyne Ireland
  PublisherE.P.Dutton & Company,New York

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