Home >> Search Results >> Music/Dance >> Die Braut von KOREA (A Bride from Korea in English) ballet in 4 Akten und 8 Bildern von H.Regel, Choreographischer Theil von Jos.Hassreiter,Musik von Josef Bayer
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Die Braut von KOREA (A Bride from Korea in English) ballet in 4 Akten und 8 Bildern von H.Regel, Choreographischer Theil von Jos.Hassreiter,Musik von Josef Bayer

paper (size:34x27 cm), 20 pages including covers. Piano music from this Ballet. Extremely rare materials on Korea. The Composer was Josef Bayer (born in Vienna in 1852 and died in 1913),who was a successful composer of ballet and a ballet director at the Vienna Court Opera from 1885 .He was Member of the Schlaraffia-Vindobona from 1902...

  AuthorJosef Bayer
  PublisherSchlesinger' sche Buch-& Musikhandlung ,Berlin

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