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No. Image Title/Pub.Year Author Publisher Language
383 KOREA,Het "Gesloten Rijk"/1904

paperback,8vo. 200 pages. first edition.In Dutch. Observational and Historical essays made by the author(Louise Joardan Miln),an English traveller.Social life,art,Korea's relations with China and japan are discussed. Illustrated with photographs.
L.J.Miln Scheltens & Giltay,Amsterdam Others

372 JAPAN och KOREA/1905

hard cover,8 vo.315 pages. first eidition .In Swedish. Gegeral studies on Japan and Korea in the beginning of 20th century. Illustrated with photographs. Korea section: from page 235 to page 315.
Ernst von Hesse-Wartegg Fahlcrantz,Stockholm Others


BENEDICTINE MONK Munchen ,First Edition,1915, 467 pages .8vo.Green Cloth. A Catholic priest's memoirs of travel in Korea just before the First World War and account of Korean culture and missions work by Benedictine monk. Covering the land, people, customs, traditions, religious places of interest, shrines, guide to the sights, and a host of other subjects. Weber was in Korea in 1911, and in this work he describes the American Gold Mines at Unsan. He was sympathetic to Koreans. Also a keen description of Catholic missions in Korea. Written by a German Benedictine monk, he also provice most of the photographs. A useful primary source book.
WEBER, Norbert BENEDICTINE MONK Munchen German

368 Corea of Today/1894

hard cover,cloth,128 pages.7 black and white photos. Covering the country, government, capital, languages, people, manners, customs, fashions, pleasures and solemnities, religions and superstitions, resources, progress, foreign relations & missions. A very useful primary resource compiled by an Gilmore [1858-1933], American clergyman stationed in Korea.
G.W.Gilmore T.Nelson and Sons ,London,New York English

358 The Far-Away Bride/1941

Hard cover, 8 vo.cloth.354 pages. A story told with humor about two families of White Russian refugees in Manchuria and Korea during the 1920's. An keen insight to the times and life in the area.
Stella Benson The Readers Club,New York English

358 Korea/1904

hard cover,cloth.8 vo.296 pages plus a colored map.1st edition. Although a description of the customs and history of the Korean people,there is an emphasis upon international rivalries in Korea as of 1903-1904.The appendices provide information on trade and natural resources.Illustrated from 114 photographs. (Annotation is based on the KOREA,Library of Congress ,1950)
Angus .Hamilton Verlag von Otto Spamer,Leipzig German

353 Korea and the Sacred White Mountain/1894

hard cover,224 pages. 8 vo. cloth. illustrated from photographs and sketches in black and white including plates partly in color. First edition. An enthusiastic 'narrative of the way in which a few weeks' leave was spent in Korea in 1891 . . . . It was at first intended that Captain Goold-Adams, RA, and I should jointly publish the accounts of our journeys, but as he is still in the Far East, the collaboration had to be abandoned. However, chapter viii is a short narrative of his ascent of the White Mountain , in which . . . I was unable to accompany him . . . . My thanks are due to Mr C. W. Campbell, of the Chinese Consular Service, for kindly allowing me to make use of some of the photographs which he took during his journey to the White Mountain in 1889; also to Mr Hillier and Mr Brazier for their photographs. The photograph of the lake on the summit of the White Mountain is combined from three views taken by Captain Goold-Adams; owing to the defective state of the films, our Kodak pictures were, with this solitary exception, total failures' (introduction).Cordier, Sinica 2970. Not in the usual bibliographies of mountaineering. ------------------------------------ Being a brief account of a journey in Korea in 1891 ,by Captain A.E.Cavendish.-Together with an account of an ascent of the White Mountain by Captain H.E. Goold-Adams. Descriptive notes of Korea,from Seoul to the northeastern portion of the Peninsula.
Captain A.E.J.Cavendish,F.R.G.S. George Philip & Son,London English

345 Per la Siberia in Cina,Corea e Giappone/1928

paperback, 8 vo.379 pages. Genneral guide to Siberia ,Korea and Japan. Illustrated from B/W photographs.
Arnaldo Cipolla G.B.Parravia & C.Roma Italian

335 LA COREE Independante,Russe ,ou Japonaise/1898

soft cover,8vo.304 pages.with 50 illustrations. Rare and Valuable French study of Korea at the end of the 19th century.
Villetard de Laguerie Librairie Hachett et Cie,Paris French

317 Korea and Her Neighbors/1898

hard cover,480 pages. With illustrations from photographs by the Author, and maps,appendixes and index. A narrative of travel,with an account of the recent vicissiptudes and present position of the country. Primarily descriptions and observations of Korea,1894-1897.Some chapters deal with social life and customs and Japanese influence in the peninsula.Generally critical of the old Korean government and sympathetic to progressive aspects of Japanese programs for Korea at this time. (Annotation is based on Korea,The Library of Congress,1950,Washington)
Isabella Bird Bishop,F.R.G.S. Fleming H.Revell Company.N.Y. English

306 Det Nya Ostasien/1906

hard cover, 8 vo. cloth,364 pages in Swedish.1st edition. General guides on China, Japan and Korea . 180 illustrations from photographs. Some of them are in color. Korea section: from page 163 t0 page 225.
Hjalmar Cassel Albert Bonniers Forlag,Stockholm Others

285 Corea e Coreani parte 1 & parte 2./1904

paperback, parte 1 : 170 pages.(1904 first edition) 203 illustration from b/w photographs. parte 2 : 231 pages.( 1905 first edition) 212 illustrations from b/w photogarhs. A useful general study and basic overview of the history, geography, climate, and culture of Korea at the end of 19th century and the begining of the 20th century.
Carlo Rossetti Istituto Italiano D'Arti Graphiche Editore,,Bergamo Italian

280 China,Japan and Korea/1921

hard cover, cloth,327 pages.1921 first edition. Illustrated from numerous b/w photographs. Part I A Political Survey and Part II Studies and Impressions. Although largely looking at the situation at the time in China and Japan several chapters on Korea are also included.
J.O.P.Bland Charles Scribner's Sons,New York English

276 Welcome to Korea/1954

paperback,61 pages. ca. 1954. Published by Agency for International Development United States Mission-Korea. Guide book on Korea covering Geography and Climate,History,Society and Customs,Religions ,Artistic and Intellectual Achievements.
United States Mission-Korea .. English

256 Far Eastern Impressions Japan-Korea-China/1904

hard cover, 8 vo.255 pages. 1 folding map and 2 maps in colour. Illustrated from 88 photographs.The author, an English Member of Parliament, travelled extensively in these three countries to explore commercial possibilities. He describes peoples, their customs, economies, society in detail.
Ernest F.G.hatch,M.P. Hutchinson & Co.London English

244 Daybreak in Korea/1909

hard cover,cloth,123 pages. Illustrated from photographs. A Tale of Transformation in the Korea by A.Baird ,Missionary pf the Americxan Presbyterian Board. Contents: 1.An Unwilling Bride. 2.Wife,Mother,Widow,Slave. 3.The Terror of the Unseen. 4.The Supplement of a Mother. 5.An Absorption of New Ideas. 6.The Power of Meekness. 7.The Break with Sin. 8.Modern Exorcism. 9.A Changed World.
Annie L.A.Baird Fleming H.Revell Company,New York English

211 Wandering in Northern China/1923

hard cover,cloth ,502 pages.1923 first edition. Illustrated from numerous photographs descriptions on his journey through Korea, Manchuria, Mongolia, and along the Yellow River in China. At the time there were relatively few travel books of the area, particularly of Korea. Korea section: from page 3 to 71.
Harry A.Franck Crosett & Dunlap Publishers , New York English

203 Transactions of the Korea Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (1900-1999) in 74 volumes.Complete set./1900

74 volumes. from volume 1 to 30( 1900- 1940) are reprints. from volume 32 to 1999( 1951-1999) are original ones. Useful study on all fields of Korea. Korean Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society was found in Seoul 1900 and 74 volumes of transactions were published from 1900 to 1999. Numerous photographs and illustrations.
Korea Brach of the Royal Asiatic Society,Seoul .. English

201 Quaint Korea/1896

hard cover,cloth, 304 pages. Observational and historical essays made by the author ,an English traveller. Social life ,art,Korea's relations with China and Japan are discussed(Annotation is based on Korea,Library of Congress,1950)
Louise Jordan Miln Charles Scribner's Sons,New York English

200 Corea or Cho-sen ,The land of the Morning Calm./1895

hard cover,cloth,304 pages.With numerous test and full page illustrations from drawing made by author.1895 first edition. Observations of the social life and customs,the art,religions and scenery of Korea made by the author while visiting the peninsula kingdom 1890-1891. (annotation is based on KOREA,Library of Congress,1950)
A.Henry Savage Landor William Heinemann,London English

197 Korea/1911

hard cover,164 pages. Illustrated from photographs.First edition. KOREA I Forvandlingens Tegn , By James S. Gale, / Det Schonbergske Forlag - Copenhagen, 1911. Autoriseret Oversaettelse For Danmark Og Norge. . Story of Missionary work in Korea. With photographs. Great vintage book. Printed in Danish.
James S.Gale Det Schonbergske Forlag-Kobenhavn,Denmark Others

138 Korea Het Gesloten Rijk/1904

soft cover,200 pages.Illustrated from photographs. In dutch.Informal introduction to all aspects of Korean history and culture. Methodic and fluent writing, offering many anecdotes of the author's own experiences and opinions.
L.J.Miln Scheltens & Giltay,Amsterdam others

128 Korea The Land People and Customs/1907

hard cover,110 pages. Contents: 1.Country and People 2.Life and Customs 3.The Native Religions 4.The Founding of the Mission 5.Expansion of the Mission 6.Conclusion
George Heber Jones Eaton and Mains,New York Jennings and Graham,Cincinnati English

112 Portraits Jaunes(Coreens,Japonais,Chinois) Scenes de la vie Chinoise/1896

paperback,158 pages. Illustrations.
L 'abbe Lucien Vigeron Tours Alfred Mame et Fils,Editeurs French

108 De Consequenties van KOREA/1950

paperback,299 pages.
J.De Kadt G.A.Van Oorschot,Amsterdam Others

104 Letters from the far East/1916

hard cover, 151 pages. Notes of A Visit to China,Korea and japan 1915-1916. Illustrated with photographs by the author. One hundred copies printed from type,of which this is 82.(limited edition: 100 copies )
Frederica A.Walcott Privately Printed,The Elm Tree Press,Vermont English

99 Korea/1901

paperback.50 pages with a map at rear.
Bruno Knochenhauer Verlag von Dietrich Reimer,Berlin German

81 Korea/1905

hard cover,343 pages. Description of the customs and history of the Korean people ,and trade and natural resources.
Genthe, Siegfried Wegemainer Berein fur Deutche Literatu,Berlin German

66 Things Korean/1908

hard cover,256 pages. Illustrated from photographs.First edition. A Collection of Sketches and anecdotes,missionary and diplomatic by the first American missionary in Korea and one time U.S.Minister to the peninsular kingdom(Annotation is based on KOREA,Library of Congress,1950)
Horace N.Allen Fleming H.Revell Company,New York English

27 The Passing of Korea/1906

hard cover,473 pages.illustrated from photographs. Author of (The History of Korea)(Comparative Grammar of Korean and Dravidian)(A Search for the Siberian Klondike ) etc. Some of the matter in this book has already appeared in the Korea Review and elsewhere.The Historiacal survey is a condensation from the writers HISTORY OF KOREA. A major emphasis of the wrire is upon the Japanese in Korea from the standpoint of a staunch Korean symphathizer.(Annotation is based on KOREA,Library of Congress,1950)
Homer B.Hulbert Doubleday ,Page & Company,New York. English

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